Would canceling $10,000 in student debt really help that much?

Nov 23, 2020
Comprehensive policy is crucial in solving the student debt crisis, experts say, but $10,000 of debt forgiveness could actually do a lot to help the people who need it most right now.
President-elect Joe Biden expressed support for student debt forgiveness up to $10,000 at a press conference on Nov. 16 in Wilmington, Delaware.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Student loan debt adds to racial wealth disparities, research finds

The costs for Black borrowers to pursue a college have been growing exponentially.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

Could reforming student loan debt provide a long-term U.S. economic boost?

Aug 10, 2020
U.S. policymakers may look to Europe for inspiration on reforming the higher education finance system.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The contestants behind a college debt game show

Oct 11, 2019
How do these people feel about competing on “Paid Off With Michael Torpey”? It’s an “absurd,” “dystopian” idea that will hopefully start a national conversation.
Photo courtesy Sean Collins-Smith

Can a game show help solve the student debt crisis?

Oct 11, 2019
"Paid Off With Michael Torpey" allows folks to compete with the goal of paying off their student loans.

Younger workers are pushing for greater work-life balance

Jun 3, 2019
They're bringing self-care to work and pushing for more flexibility to have a life.

For public good, not for profit.

Student loan debt is changing - what's your experience?

Students with large loan balances aren't defaulting, but they're not reducing their debt either.
About 60 percent of those who went to college had to take out student loans to pay for it. 
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Why do we keep student loan debt a secret?

Shame is "the overwhelming theme," a WNYC podcast host says.

What the Secretary of Education wishes he had accomplished

Jan 6, 2017
Secretary of Education John King reflects on his time in office.
Dr. John King, speaks during his Senate confirmation hearing to become Education secretary, on Capitol Hill, February 25, 2016 in Washington, DC. If confirmed by the US Senate, Dr. King will replace outgoing Education Secretary Arne Duncan. 
Mark Wilson/Getty Images