Walmart warehouse temps add flexibility -- and save money?

Nov 27, 2012
Walmart's flexible supply chain depends on low-wage "permatemp" workers.

States like Arizona hope to cash in on NAFTA supply chain

Oct 31, 2012
Exports from big states like Texas, California and Michigan have soared since the 1990s when the North American Free Trade Agreement opened U.S. markets to Mexico. But not every state has been as savvy promoting cross-border trade.

Auto supply chain takes a hit in Germany

Apr 19, 2012
A key component for building cars both here and around the world has has been nearly decimated by an explosion a couple of weeks ago in Germany.

Japan's economy, one year later

Mar 12, 2012
Today the Bank of Japan is holding a meeting to talk about monetary policy for the third largest economy in the world, one year after the earthquake tsunami and nuclear disaster there.

Manufacturing leads the way

Feb 15, 2012
U.S. factories boosted their output in January, and experts like Harvard's Willy Shih see that as a positive sign.