Justice Antonin Scalia's conservative legacy

Feb 15, 2016
The Supreme Court Justice's departure will have a major impact on the court — and the 2016 election.

What the Supreme Court's halt on coal regulation means

Feb 10, 2016
The justices push the pause button on EPA's rule to cut emissions.
A plume of exhaust rises from a coal-fired power station in Pennsylvania. The Supreme Court put a hold on rules to cut emissions.
Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Supreme Court takes up healthcare price transparency

Dec 2, 2015
It's about whether firms can be forced to disclose deals they cut with providers.

New Obamacare fight takes aim at 'Cadillac' tax

Jul 15, 2015
Consumers with pricey health plans will have to pay a new tax starting in 2018.

SCOTUS rules against EPA regulations

In a 5-4 decision, the court says the agency didn't properly consider costs.

The financials of same-sex marriage

Jun 26, 2015
Saying 'I do' to higher tax brackets after the Supreme Court's ruling.

For public good, not for profit.

With Obamacare upheld, health care firms exhale

Jun 25, 2015
Hospital stocks jumped eight to 15 percent as the ruling came down.

States see potential opportunity in court ruling

Jun 25, 2015
A Supreme Court ruling is expected soon in King v. Burwell.

Bridging a political divide, hoping to make a profit

Jun 24, 2015
The health care world waits for a decision from the Supreme Court.