Gold hits record-high, dollar falls following Bernanke address

Apr 28, 2011
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a first-ever press conference yesterday. The dollar dropped in reaction, but share prices and gold have hit new highs.

Bernanke more concerned about sputtering recovery than inflation

Apr 27, 2011
In an historic press conference, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke discussed why the recovery is taking so long, why he's not concerned about inflation long term, and when interest rates might increase.

All ears on Bernanke's language at press conference

Apr 27, 2011
The Federal Reserve will host its first ever press conference today starring Fed chief Ben Bernanke. The Fed's nuanced language in today's public statement is intended to calm nervous markets and bankers.

Will the Fed end quantitative easing?

Apr 27, 2011
Richard DeKaser, economist with the Parthenon Group, explains the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy, and forecasts the future of the project.

The Fed expected to end easy money

Apr 25, 2011
Julia Coronado, chief economist with BNP Paribas, explains what's expected out of the Federal Reserve's two-day meeting, and what the future is for the Fed's stimulus efforts.

Is the market ready for the Fed's changed rules?

Apr 25, 2011
The Federal Reserve is expected to signal an end to it's post-crisis easy money policies. New York bureau chief Heidi Moore explains how this could impact the economy.

Fed to get offers for AIG mortgage bonds

Apr 6, 2011
Who will bid for billions of dollars worth of toxic assets once owned by insurance giant AIG? The Federal Reserve Bank of New York finds out today.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York seal

For public good, not for profit.

Fed tries to regulate mortgage broker industry

Apr 1, 2011
This week new rules from the Federal Reserve go into effect that aims to help consumers get a better deal on a home loan. The rules require brokers that sell mortgages to steer consumers to the lowest-price loan available.

Major Fed loans went to foreign banks

Apr 1, 2011
According to documents released yesterday by the Federal Reserve, the central bank supplied emergency loans to not only the U.S. banking system, but to many of foreign banks as well.

Fed releases 'secret' information

Mar 31, 2011
Today the Federal Reserve named the banks that borrowed money from its emergency "discount window" at the height of the financial crisis. Matt Winkler, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, explains why it's a momentous occasion.