Low unemployment puts strain on census hiring

Mar 11, 2020
The Census Bureau is offering higher wages and pulling workers in from neighboring states.
Christa Bender, a census recruiting assistant, at a hiring fair at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Matt Bloom/KUNC News

Holiday hiring is up despite economic uncertainties

Nov 15, 2019
But striking the right balance to meet demand is tricky this year.
Companies are offering higher wages, deeper merchandise discounts and more perks to attract seasonal workers.
Stephen Chernin/Getty Images

What does "tight labor market" mean? Opportunity!

May 3, 2019
Workers' bargaining power is greater.

Low pay and long hours: Staffing in the restaurant industry remains a challenge as sales grow

Jul 17, 2018
The National Restaurant association projects that sales will grow by 4 percent this year. Celebrity chefs and Instagram foodie streams all point to an industry on the upswing. But staffing restaurants isn’t easy these days. Susan Spicer runs three restaurants in New Orleans, and says this is in part because her industry gets a bad […]