Big Fun Toys plays the niche card

Owner Steve Presser fights online shopping and price checking with kindness.

Claw machines: The most enjoyable way to get scammed

Kai Ryssdal talks with Phil Edwards from Vox about the money behind those cranes.

Hasbro's new princesses, and growth strategy

Apr 20, 2015
Hasbro has long been known for brands like Nerf and G.I. Joe.

View-Master gets the 21st century upgrade

Feb 13, 2015
Listeners of a certain age will remember viewfinders, those binocular-like things you hold up and look through with the circular discs of slides that flip around. Yeah, well, could you be more old fashioned? Mattel and Google are coming out with an update, including virtual reality and augmented reality. Also, there’ll be a slot where you can […]

Why toymaker Hasbro could buy DreamWorks Animation

Nov 13, 2014
Answering the question of why a toy company would want to own a movie studio.

The 21-year-old who owns a factory in China

Oct 28, 2014
Alex Shlaferman founded his multi-million-dollar company at the age of 16

Ebola plush toy sells out online

Oct 21, 2014
For less than $10, you can order Ebola online and take it home — not the disease itself but rather, a cuddly, worm-shaped mock up of the virus. “GIANT Microbes” are stuffed animals that resemble tiny microbes, only at one million times their actual size. The website says the characters are designed to be “appealing personalities” […]

For public good, not for profit.

Kai Ryssdal vs. the American Girl Store

Jul 24, 2014
We went behind the scenes with Jean McKenzie, executive vice president for American Girl.

The happy accident that changed squirt guns forever

Jul 8, 2014
Lonnie Johnson dreamed of inventing, but never knew he'd be famous for a toy.

The average Lego set appreciates better than stocks

Feb 27, 2014
All kinds of investors are excited about Lego's annual profits.