The numbers for October 2, 2014

Oct 2, 2014
Loan fraud, prison banks and domain name speculation: Here's what we're reading.

An economic turkey throwdown

Nov 28, 2013
You may know former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker as the guy who tamed inflation, but apparently, he cooks a mean Thanksgiving turkey.

Talking turkey with a techie

Nov 27, 2013
Scott Heimendinger of the Modernist Cuisine cookbooks talks Thanksgiving and Modernist Cuisine's new cookbook app with Marketplace Tech.

It's not the turkey's fault

Nov 25, 2013
Turkey isn't the source of your sleepiness.

Why your Thanksgiving turkey is so cheap

Nov 21, 2013
Some stores get customers in the door with discounted turkeys, and make their money on the rest of the meal's ingredients.

The new Silk Road: A trans-continental tunnel in Turkey

Oct 29, 2013
Today, Turkey opens the world's first trans-continental tunnel, linking Istanbul's European side to its Asian side by cutting across the Bosporus Strait.

The economics of winning an Olympics

Sep 6, 2013
Does a bidding country’s economy factor into whether it gets to host the Olympic games?

For public good, not for profit.

Turkey's Syrian refugees try to adapt to their new home

Aug 12, 2013
About half a million Syrians have fled their country's violent conflict and settled in Turkey. Many are grateful to be taken in but also fearful about being kicked out.

Turkey tries to accommodate its new Syrian residents

Aug 12, 2013
Turkey has welcomed half a million Syrian refugees, but some Turks fear the newcomers may be putting a strain on Turkey's infrastructure and economy.