Google chips in to preserve endangered languages

Jun 22, 2012
7,000 languages worldwide could be headed for extinction. Can they be stored online?

Twitter solves mobile ad riddle

This week, in a nudge at Facebook's mobile ad struggles, Twitter said its mobile ads are booming, already outpacing web ads and on track to keep growing.

China orders foreign embassies not to monitor pollution

Jun 5, 2012
Today top Chinese officials ordered foreign embassies to stop reporting air pollution levels in China, saying the monitoring by foreigners is illegal.

Pepsi to launch Twitter music campaign

In an effort to revive their brand image and win back market share from Coke, Pepsi is launching a new, hip partnership with Twitter that will include free songs for download and live-streaming music concerts.
Bottles and cans of Pepsi soda are seen on display in a store. This week Pepsi announced the details of its new year-long integrated marketing campaign with Twitter.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

How Comcast is taking advantage of the Schminternet

Mar 29, 2012
Comcast is now available for users of Xbox Live, the online service for Xbox users. Plus, is Twitter’s random unfollow feature a bug or a feature?

Twitter celebrates its sixth birthday

Mar 21, 2012
The company is set to make around $250 million next year -- but should it be making much more?
A close-up view of the logo for the microblogging website Twitter on June 1, 2011 in London, England.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Will online privacy laws actually make a difference?

Feb 24, 2012
There's been a lot of talk recently about privacy protection on the web. The White House and tech companies say they want to protect you, but can they?