Britain's immigration crackdown sparks anger

Aug 8, 2013
In Britain, a recent government crackdown on illegal immigration has had trucks touring immigrant neighborhoods with signs inviting undocumented immigrants to go home or face arrest. Some say this is heavy-handed.

Red pants aren't snobby, right?

Aug 2, 2013
But it's tradition here at Marketplace!

Forget the hype, Britain's royal baby will only have a small economic impact

Jul 23, 2013
As we await the name of the new British royal baby, let's take a look at the economics of the birth.

The difference between Americans and Europeans? We're buying new cars

Jul 16, 2013
At a time when U.S. sales are soaring, Europe saw a drop of almost seven percent in the first half of this year. There is one bright spot: U.K. car sales are up.

Reckless bankers could face jail time in the UK

Jun 19, 2013
The British government says bankers who recklessly mismanage their banks could face jail time, according to a new proposal released Wednesday.

Another market manipulation scandal? Traders said to rig currency exchange rates

Jun 12, 2013
First there was the rigging of the interest rate known as LIBOR. Now there may be collusion on currency exchange rates.

Austerity on agenda as G7 meets near London

May 10, 2013
As the G7 gathers near London, austerity is on everyone's mind.

For public good, not for profit.

Setting up a bank in Britain gets easier

Apr 29, 2013
Despite the recent global banking crisis, UK regulators have decided to cut down application approval times for new banks and lower the capital requirements. An American starting a bank there says this will stimulate competition.

Margaret Thatcher's legacy: Three things that changed for the U.K.

Apr 8, 2013
There’s no question Margaret Thatcher wanted to remake the U.K. economy during her tenure, but did she succeed?

A fake film reminiscent of Argo, but with less noble intentions

Mar 22, 2013
The Oscar-winning film Argo is about a fake movie set up to rescue captured hostages. A fake movie in Britain was basically a tax fraud.