Krugman warns U.S.: Don't end up like U.K.

Mar 20, 2013
Britain's budget, released today, contains more deep spending cuts. Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that austerity policies in the UK and Europe are killing growth.

Migrating to Britain? Please don't

Feb 26, 2013
Now that Romanians and Bulgarians will soon enjoy full European Union status and be able to move freely through EU countries, Britain fears a flood of unwelcome immigrants.

UK banks face break up if they don't shape up

Feb 4, 2013
Britain’s finance chief has delivered an ultimatum to the U.K.’s banks: Obey our new rules or we’ll break you up. Some analysts say the U.S. should follow the British example.

U.K. prime minister prepares big speech on Europe

Jan 22, 2013
U.K. Prime Minster David Cameron will give a major speech tomorrow that sets the tone for his country's future relations with the European Union. Many in the U.K. want more decisions made in London and fewer in Brussels. Is the U.K. on the way out of the EU?

David Cameron speech to address Britain's EU membership

Jan 22, 2013
World leaders will be all ears tomorrow when British Prime Minister David Cameron makes a high-stakes speech on the European Union. He is expected to talk about potential new terms for Britain's EU membership, which could have impacts around the globe.

Queen Elizabeth delivers Christmas message in 3-D

Dec 25, 2012
Each year on Christmas, Queen Elizabeth delivers a holiday message to her subjects. This year, she's making her 3D debut.

Independence could lead to a wealthier Scotland

May 25, 2012
Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom for the past 300 years, but many Scots think it's a bad deal. Scotland is home to most of the U.K.'s oil and gas production in the North Sea.

For public good, not for profit.

Former British banker gets knighthood revoked

Feb 1, 2012
Fred Goodwin led the Royal Bank of Scotland when it nearly collapsed during the financial crisis in 2008. The queen has now taken away his title of knight, leaving him in some less-than-honorable company.

MID-DAY UPDATE: BP wears black, GM's IPO and video games in the Supreme Court.

Nov 2, 2010
General Motors expects to raise $10 billion, from an initial public offer, which would allow it to partially repay taxpayers. Our analysts examine...