How global warming all started

Nov 13, 2015
Global warming caused by burning fossil fuels was first predicted more than a century ago.

The ultimate climate change challenge: free riders

Oct 2, 2015
It's tempting to set low targets and let other countries pick up the slack.

The UN's 17 goals for the next 15 years

Sep 25, 2015
The Sustainable Development summit's aim is to end poverty.

ISIS and the future of the Tomahawk missile

Sep 24, 2014
The U.S. launched at least 47 of them at militant strongholds in Syria on Monday.

PODCAST: UN warns of climate change effects

Mar 31, 2014
The Senate Finance Committee thinks about bringing back expired tax breaks. And a look at the safety and costs of in vitro births.

A new pitch for humanitarian aid to Syria

Dec 16, 2013
The United Nations is launching its largest appeal ever for humanitarian aid to Syrians.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the media at an end-of-year press conference on December 16, 2013 at UN headquarters in New York City. The Secretary-General spoke about global challenges and UN successes of 2013.
John Moore/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

UN has made progress, but more work needs to be done to meet 2015 goals

Sep 24, 2013
What more needs to be done to tackle the UN's Millennium Development Goals?
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius (C) gets ready to do a live television interview in front of the United Nations headquarters ahead of the start of the 68th UN General Assembly, in New York, September 23, 2013. 

North Korea threatens U.S. nuclear strike ahead of U.N. sanctions vote

Mar 7, 2013
North Korea's government has said it reserves the right to carry out a preemptive nuclear attack against the United States ahead of a U.N. vote on tighter sanctions against the communist regime.

The cost of corruption spirals in Afghanistan: Report

Feb 7, 2013
Half of all Afghans have bribed public officials in the last year and the amounts are growing, according to a report from the UN.