Stories Tagged as
Urban planning
Facade Lift: Midtown Manhattan may get extreme makeover
Mar 15, 2013
New York's mayor wants to give a facelift to the area of Midtown Manhattan that surrounds the venerable Grand Central Station. The city says it is needed to remain a globally competitive business district.
Moving from very poor neighborhoods improves health
Sep 20, 2012
Researchers have found that while moving out of poorer neighborhoods improves a person's health and general happiness, moving to a better-off region did not improve families' income.
Should we give money to drivers who reduce traffic?
David Brancaccio
and Jeremy Hobson
Jun 12, 2012
How would you like to skip traffic on your way to work, and also be paid for it? A new project out of Stanford and backed by the U.S. Department of Transportation is experimenting with just that in an effort to reduce city congestion.
California lawmakers push for carbon-reduction planning
Richard Core
Sep 2, 2008
When you live in Los Angeles like we do, you quickly learn that the reason public transportation isn't a viable option for much of the population...