Venezuela's economy, as told by a hot dog

Mar 23, 2016
The story of a Pepito, a Venezuelan take on the hot dog, illustrates the country's economic problems.
Pepito vendors in Caracas, Venezuela. 
Jorge Galino/Marketplace

Venezuela's inflation woes are growing

Feb 23, 2016
Marketplace's Scott Tong reporting from Venezuela

Dispatches from Venezuela: Red roofs and the new ogling

Feb 17, 2016
From the notebook of Marketplace correspondent Scott Tong, on the ground in Venezuela.
The higher you climb in Venezuela's barrios, the poorer the people are who live there.
Jorge Galindo/Marketplace

Dispatches from a Crude Collapse: Venezuela

Feb 11, 2016
How low oil prices are impacting politics in Venezuela

For Venezuela, oil is a resource curse

Jan 11, 2016
Over-reliance on oil, and subsidies for the masses, leave Venezuela in a desperate economic crisis
Supporters of Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez and current President Nicolas Maduro accompany United Socialist Party (PSUV) deputies, outside the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas on January 7, 2016. Venezuela's political crisis deepened Thursday as the government vowed to stop the center-right opposition using its new legislative powers to try and oust President Nicolas Maduro. 

Venezuela's opposition party gains power

Dec 7, 2015
The opposition party is now the majority in Venezuela.

Will Venezuela default? Investors think so

Dec 23, 2014
Oil, whose price has halved in the past year, accounts for 95 percent of the country’s exports and 45 percent of the government’s budget.

For public good, not for profit.

A Venezuelan airport is charging for air. Yes, air.

Jul 11, 2014
The international airport in Caracas, Venezuela, is now charging for air.

Exchanging currency in Venezuela is a nightmare

Mar 10, 2014
A new exchange system could bring the currency rate closer to the black market.

Venezuela according to a Venezuelan

Feb 27, 2014
Inflation and a shortage of basic goods are fueling protests in Venezuela.