As Venezuelan inflation hits new highs, a crackdown on consumer prices

Nov 14, 2013
Venezuela has a terrible inflation problem, and the government's dramatic steps to fix them problem aren't likely to make a real impact.

After election, what's next for Venezuela?

Apr 18, 2013
Stephen Keppel, economics editor at Univision News, says the Maduro's slim margin of victory could make it difficult for his government to achieve economic reforms.

In Venezuela, an election and more of the same

Apr 15, 2013
Venezuela elects Hugo Chavez's preferred successor as president. We talk to one business owner about what that means for him.

Chavez death ripples throughout Latin America

Mar 6, 2013
How will Chavez's passing affect the economies of other countries in Latin America?

After Chavez death, Venezuela faces tough economic choices

Mar 6, 2013
What's ahead for Venezuela after the death of Hugo Chavez?

Chavez is gone but what of his legacy?

Mar 6, 2013
Controversial Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez died yesterday leaving a nation divided over the wisdom of his policies. Both critics and supporters agree that he has changed the role of the poor in Venezuela.

The economic legacy of Hugo Chavez

Mar 5, 2013
Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro says President Hugo Chavez has died. We look back at the legacy the leader left behind.

For public good, not for profit.

In death, Hugo Chavez leaves economic legacy

Mar 5, 2013
Taking power in 1999, Hugo Chavez almost single-handedly transformed Venezuelan society, wielding the country's oil wealth as a weapon. Can a strongman economy continue after his death?

Hugo Chavez news: Venezuelan president reappears

Feb 18, 2013
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made a surprise return to his country Monday after spending over two months in Cuba for cancer treatment.
Supporters of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gather to celebrate after Chavez announced on Twitter that he had returned to the country from Cuba on February 18, 2013.

End of Hugo Chavez era in Venezuela appears near

Jan 9, 2013
Taking power in 1999, Hugo Chavez almost single-handedly transformed Venezuelan society, wielding the country's oil wealth as a weapon. Can a strongman economy continue after his death?