BlackBerry outages go to court

Oct 27, 2011
Turns out all those heartfelt, video apologies and free apps aren't going to be enough to stop people from suing Research in Motion over BlackBerry...

iPhone 4S goes on sale, everything gets crashy

Oct 7, 2011
Apple started taking pre-orders for the iPhone 4S (the Fours... iFours...Quatro- S... SQuatro?) at midnight. Its site promptly crashed and was down...

Net neutrality foes get lucky

Oct 7, 2011
Verizon's lawsuit against the FCC regarding net neutrality will be heard in the DC circuit court, this as a result of a lottery drawing. Verizon...

For public good, not for profit.

FCC sued over net neutrality

Sep 29, 2011
I know, I know, dog bites man, right? These things happen all the time. But it's a little noteworthy here because the FCC is being sued from the...

Verizon stands against Apple

Sep 27, 2011
Hey, you can be friends with someone and still have quarrels with them. For instance, Larissa Anderson thinks "Night Moves" is the world's worst...

All the perks with none of the pain

Sep 22, 2011
Verizon, the nation's number one wireless carrier, gave its un-official blessing of the AT&T/T-Mobile merger (officially it remains neutral)....