Is Verizon to blame for slow Netflix service?

Jun 20, 2013
People who get their Internet from Verizon have reported having trouble with Netflix. It has to do with something called 'peering' -- and it seems Verizon hasn't been to friendly to its peers of late.

Text vs. phone data: Which is more valuable to the government?

Jun 7, 2013
Government tracking of Verizon telephone records raises the question of just how valuable phone information really is. Would it be more useful to track text message records?

Businesses like Verizon know more about you than you think

Jun 6, 2013
The NSA order for Verizon's customer data highlights how much the private sector knows about their customers, and the restrictions on how they use it.

How is the government going to find anything in the Verizon phone data?

Jun 6, 2013
Verizon is reportedly handing the National Security Agency data on every customer's calls. So how does the government go about finding needles on the digital haystack?

NSA collecting millions of Verizon Business phone records: Report

Jun 6, 2013
The National Security Agency has reportedly been collecting phone records of not the few, but the many.

Facebook's Photo Sync, Verizon's new patent, and the government's Death Star

Dec 5, 2012
Facebook would like to become that set of shoeboxes in the attic: A place to store all your photographs, even ones you have no intention of sharing with any of your friends. It's called Photo Sync, and Google-Plus already has something like this.

iPhone boom is short-term bust for wireless carriers

Sep 13, 2012
AT&T, Verizon and Sprint offer huge subsidies on new smartphones that hit bottom line.

For public good, not for profit.

AT&T's Mobile Share plan hammers customers for data overages

Jul 19, 2012
AT&T offers customers a simple and flexible world where they don’t get to use as much data as they might like.

Verizon Wireless pricing bound to change online habits

Jun 13, 2012
Verizon Wireless announced it's scrapping unlimited data plans. The new pricing could force a change in our web surfing.