Arcade veteran seeks to be pinball wizard

Jan 21, 2013
Video may have killed the pinball machine, but arcade veteran Jack Guarnieri aims to give it new life.

A gaming "ceasefire" for Newtown

Dec 21, 2012
A man asks fellow gamers to lay down their digital weapons in the wake of Newtown, and a new report from Pew's Excellence in Journalism project looks at why reaction to this shooting was different.

Why do we keep returning to video games? Simple rewards

Dec 18, 2012
Students at USC's video game design school say jumping and flying are the fun experiences that keep us coming back to classic games.

Shutting off the Internet in Syria, resisting the smartphone craze, and celebrating Pong at 40

Nov 30, 2012
An Internet and telecom blackout hits Syria, Pew research numbers get to the bottom of why some avoid buying smartphones, and the video game Pong turns 40-years-old.

With Kickstarter, gamers take control

Nov 21, 2012
Video game producers are turning to the crowd-funding site Kickstarter to fund their projects. And people are forking over the big bucks with no guarantee they'll actually get their hands on the video game.

Switching up the violent video game trend

Aug 7, 2012
Each time there's a mass shooting in the real world, people ponder again the link between violent media and violent actions. The link isn't clear in recent cases -- and it's not proven as a general matter. But is there any harm in investigating alternatives?

E3: Video game consoles aren’t just for video games

Jun 5, 2012
As a new generation of consoles looms, current models are being packaged up for movies and socializing.

For public good, not for profit.

Giant video gaming conference E3 gets going in L.A.

Jun 5, 2012
And it's all about the game consoles. How will Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony stave off mobile and social games?

Nintendo reports first annual operating loss

Apr 26, 2012
Pioneer electronic game developer Nintendo loses its edge as Apple products and smart phones become popular for gaming.

2012: The mobile web election

Apr 23, 2012
Candidates are scrambling to figure out web on-the-go by November. Plus, a new "Frogger."