Election Day: Is waiting the hardest part?

Nov 6, 2012
An economist and an engineer on the frustrations and virtues of waiting.

Electronic voting and the security of a paper trail

Nov 6, 2012
Why electronic voting’s challenges, from hacking to glitches, might be best with an old fashioned analogue backup.

Buy your 'I voted' stickers now

Nov 5, 2012
Patriotism and civic pride can be yours for just $3.80 per thousand.

Why we still can't vote online, and why that may be a good thing

Oct 15, 2012
We can support candidates with a text, participate in polls, even register to vote online, but we still can't vote that way -- which might be good news.

Register to vote via Facebook?

Jul 18, 2012
The State of Washington's elections office is working with Microsoft to allow voters to register via social networking giant Facebook.

Electronic voting 2012: Here we go again

May 11, 2012
Elections come and go and many issues change, but one seems to remain: electronic voting. Two years ago, four years ago, eight years ago -- the story's been about the same: the machines don't seem ready for primetime, but we're using them anyway.

For public good, not for profit.

Internet voting way too risky, say experts

Mar 2, 2012
Convenient, yes. Secure? Far from it.