Economists expect tapering job growth for December

Jan 4, 2024
November job openings also trended down but were still above pre-pandemic levels.
Job openings continued to trend down in November, just as they’ve been doing for over a year.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Wage hikes lighten the burden of inflation, but it still weighs on some workers

Dec 18, 2023
Average pay raises last year slightly outpaced inflation but the price rises of previous years are still hurting some.
While prices for things like food and transportation take up a larger percentage of lower-income workers' budgets, they're unlikely to come back down.
Brandon Bell/Getty Images

What immigration actually does to jobs, wages and more

Republican lawmakers want immigration changes in exchange for Ukraine aid. What does economic research say about current policy?
The economic research tells us that immigration does not cause serious wage losses, for example.
Bryan R. Smith/AFP via Getty Images

End to some pandemic-era child care subsidies could make hiring harder

Nov 6, 2023
Many child care providers used the funds to pay their staff. Now that the money is gone, it could affect providers’ ability to recruit and retain workers.
More than $37 billion in pandemic relief funds were awarded to hundreds of thousands of child care providers across the nation.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Wage growth cools in October

Nov 3, 2023
Average hourly earnings rose 4.1% year-over-year in October; the rate peaked near 6% in March 2022. The slowdown in wage growth is helping the Fed wrestle inflation lower.
The rate of average hourly earnings growth slowed in October, which is exactly what the Fed hopes might further cool inflation.
Chris Graythen/Getty Images

September's real wages are expected to rise

Oct 9, 2023
And that would mean your paycheck's purchasing power would be getting a boost relative to inflation.
Rising real wages means consumers are "making up for the consumption power that they lost when prices were rising faster than wages," says Erica Groshen, former Bureau of Labor Statistics commissioner.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Businesses are telling the Federal Reserve they think wage gains are subsiding

Sep 8, 2023
That could be a sign that the Fed's interest rate hikes are working and the economy is cooling.
Though wage growth has been falling, inflation has been falling even faster.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How the Biden administration's overtime proposal could play out

Aug 31, 2023
The proposal would most likely affect low-to-middle income earners in supervisory roles.
The new overtime rule will primarily affect low to middle-income salaried workers, especially those in supervisory roles.
Getty Images

Even as real wages rebound, low-income households are playing catch-up

Aug 22, 2023
Average hourly earnings are now rising faster than prices. But two years of high inflation have left many low-income people in a financial hole.
Inflation can take a heavier toll on low-income workers because a large proportion of their pay goes toward necessities like food.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Why it's getting more expensive to hire workers in China

Aug 9, 2023
China’s government is making employers pay more into its social welfare system, just as the economy is stalling.
STR/AFP via Getty Images