Unpaid water bill? Detroit will turn off the tap

Mar 28, 2014
Half the bankrupt city's residents are delinquent on their water bills. Businesses, schools and the city itself owe more than $50 million in unpaid water bills.

Frowny faces help conserve water

Mar 18, 2014
Peer pressure works in getting people to use less water

PODCAST: Tennessee car workers reject union

Feb 17, 2014
Stimulus woes in Japan put a hamper on the country's recovery. And taking a look at how we value water.

The pollutants in your face wash

Feb 12, 2014
Groups say pieces of plastic -- called microbeads -- end up in our waterways

Amid Texas drought, this rain man bottles water

Feb 5, 2014
For one Texas tinkerer, collecting the rain that falls on his roof turned into a business.

Seriously, keep that boiling water in the pot

Jan 7, 2014
Tossing boiling water in the air in subzero temperatures will only get you burned.

Texas town closes the toilet-to-tap loop: Is this our future water supply?

Jan 6, 2014
About 40 percent of Big Spring’s water now comes from a $14 million “direct potable reuse” system.

For public good, not for profit.

Kenya finds a lake of liquid gold

Sep 12, 2013
Drought-ridden Kenya has found an enormous underground reservoir of water, enough to meet the country's needs for a decade. But expect a bitter fight over this valuable resource, and much hand-wringing by the African country over how best to make it pay.

Colorado River shortage: What happens when the water runs dry?

Aug 16, 2013
The Bureau of Reclamation declares the first water shortage for the Colorado River basin, which provides water for tens of millions of people and large agricultural regions.

Protecting groundwater is important despite drought

May 27, 2013
Drought conditions from last year in the U.S. are likely to continue. Commentator Robert Glennon says that spells trouble for the nation's groundwater supply.