Stories Tagged as
As fiscal cliff approaches, businesses start to prepare
Oct 24, 2012
The prospect of automatic tax increases and budget cuts creates uncertainty, holding back investment and hiring. Companies also are preparing to make their case to Congress for how to avoid the fiscal cliff entirely.
Explaining dividend recapitalization
Paddy Hirsch
Oct 23, 2012
Dividend recapitalization: private equity shenanigans or sound common sense? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains how it works.
The fiscal cliff explained (with help from Hollywood)
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 28, 2012
You've heard warnings about the economic disaster that could happen if Congress fails to avoid a fiscal cliff. But what is the fiscal cliff anyway? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch enlists the support of his friends Thelma and Louise in this three-minute explanation.
And the winners are...
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 14, 2012
Two more lucky winners will receive a copy of "Man vs Markets" this week.
Fed unveils QE3, now for some good analogies
Sep 13, 2012
The Federal Reserve announced its third round of quantitative easing Thursday to help stimulate the economy. You've heard the explainers. You've seen the videos. Now, let's review all the analogies.
The economic effects of quantitative easing
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 11, 2012
Marketplace's Paddy Hirsch explains what QE3 is supposed to do for the economy.
QE3 ahoy!
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 7, 2012
Today's gloomy jobs report makes another round of quantitative easing a lot more likely.
For public good, not for profit.
VIDEO: The ECB's bond-buying program explained with bonbons
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 6, 2012
The European Central Bank is set to go on a bond-buying spree in an effort to save the euro and stem the debt crisis. But how does it work? It helps to think about candy.
Europe's big bond bet and what it means for the U.S.
Paddy Hirsch
Sep 5, 2012
Europe will likely announce a big bond-buying program tomorrow. The U.S. Fed will be watching.
Whiteboard book give-away: And the winner is....
Paddy Hirsch
Aug 31, 2012
Marketplace fans sent in nearly 100 ideas for future topics for the Whiteboard explainer video series, earning one lucky viewer a signed copy of Paddy Hirsch's new book, Man vs. Markets