An immigrant's role in the American economy

Apr 6, 2018
This week, President Donald Trump announced he wanted to send National Guard troops to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border. This announcement was made in the midst of a national conversation regarding immigration, legal and otherwise, which includes a push to change immigration laws and reduce the number of legal immigrants in the country. Marketplace Weekend’s Lizzie […]

Trump’s infrastructure plan raises hopes and questions

Feb 14, 2018
The Trump administration’s new infrastructure plan promises a boost in workforce training programs — specifically, 1 million apprentices in two years. But some critics say there aren’t enough specifics in the proposals. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 
Should we really be that threatened by robots?
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

My Economy: Working as a CFO — chief family officer

Jun 1, 2017
Sherri Messer loves being a stay-at-home mom, but she's nervous about what comes next.

For military veterans, finding a job is one thing — staying in it is another

May 29, 2017
US companies have done a good job of hiring vets. But the work needs to be meaningful.
New York national guardsmen prepare to meet potential employers at a job fair in New York City.
John Moore/Getty Images

Long and short: women, wages and the workforce

May 19, 2017
Betting on the economy's big and small changes
U.S. Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen at the University of Michigan
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan / Flickr

For public good, not for profit.

Robot-Proof Jobs 2: The winners of tomorrow

Apr 14, 2017
The second episode of a special three-part podcast series on automation and the economy.

Trump to call for slashes to the federal workforce

Apr 12, 2017
The federal hiring freeze may be ending, but there's a big stipulation attached.
President Donald Trump speaking during a meeting about the federal budget in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington, D.C. back in February.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

How women raised the median family income

Apr 11, 2017
A listener asks whether we can compare the median family income in 1980 to the present, since more women are in the workforce.
As women have entered the workforce in greater numbers, they've also contributed more to family income.