YouTube to get into the content creation biz?

Dec 16, 2010
Interesting article in the New York Times cites anonymous sources that YouTube may be acquiring a company called Next New Networks (catchy and...

Are you a Belieber?

Dec 14, 2010
YouTube released it's list of the most watched music videos of 2010. Four of the top ten featured heartthrob singer Justin Bieber. Others on the...

YouTube begins to end time limits

Dec 10, 2010
The video site is starting to scrap the 15 minute time limit placed on videos, according to a blog post. Select veteran members in good standing on...

Rap wars now conducted on YouTube

Nov 5, 2010
Oh sure, no one recalls the days of rappers shooting each other outside of night clubs with any special fondness, but it does feel a bit hollow...

Turkey has YouTube once again

Nov 2, 2010
Here's a story about the thorny relationship between closed societies and the open internet. People in the nation of Turkey once again have access...

Your Walkman songs all in one unendurable playlist

Oct 25, 2010
It's funny. Kind of. The Walkman was a revolutionary piece of technology. I remember my late father, who was born in 1931, putting on headphones...

YouTube Instant

Sep 10, 2010
Yesterday we told you about YouTube Time Machine. Today is another doohickeyization of The Tube. It's not an official YouTube/Google product but...

For public good, not for profit.


Aug 30, 2010
Nirvana for film buffs.  Imagine an online movie rental store with every movie, ever made always in stock - an unlimited number screens and an...

No need for colleges in five years says Bill Gates

Aug 6, 2010
I guess a dude who dropped out of Harvard and became the richest person on the planet couldn't be expected to strenuously fight for the campus...

BP goes in for the kill ...

Aug 2, 2010
"Static kill," that is -- pumping in mud & cement. Meanwhile, Congress looks into BP's use of chemical dispersants. And BP is said to be...