From This Collection

Seventh Generation's greenwashing trifecta

May 5, 2008
The Greenwash Brigade responds to Jeffrey Hollender's interview with Marketplace's Sarah Gardner. Check back with the blog throughout the day as...

For public good, not for profit.

Does green travel offset emissions.... or just your guilt?

Apr 10, 2008
Travel to an eco-resort abroad and mitigate guilt over the GHG emissions used to get there all at the same time! Ah, the confusing lexicon of...

Greenwashing is a gateway drug

Apr 5, 2008
In Amy Westervelt's recent Sustainable Industries interview with L. Hunter Lovins, Lovins makes the case that greenwashing is good. "Hypocrisy is...

Baking soda is all you need to make your own green cleaning products

Mar 23, 2008
I attended a green cleaning party today with a group of voluble, smart women as part of a national Safe Cleaning Products Initiative sponsored by...