Japan central bank hopes a bold bond buy will solve an old problem

Apr 4, 2013
Japan is fed up with deflation and a sluggish economy, and its central bank is getting aggressive. Today, the Bank of Japan launched a sweeping bond-buying program to pump money into the economy.

Schools risk outsized debts with delayed bond payments

Feb 14, 2013
Many school districts around the country are making use of capital appreciation bonds, long-term bonds that can put them into debt for far more than they initially borrowed.

A bond bubble?

Feb 8, 2013
When fears about the stock market boiled over during the economic crash, investors turned to bonds. More than a $1 trillion has gone to buying bonds since 2009, but things are turning around again. Are we on the verge of a bond bubble burst?

Global stock markets boom, but where's the growth?

Feb 6, 2013
Japan isn't the only place where the stock market is booming right now. Markets in the U.S. and even Europe are up as well.

How to safe guard yourself against a bond bubble

Feb 6, 2013
As investors pour money into stocks, there are fears that the bond market could suffer. How should you adjust your portfolio?
As investors pour money into stocks, there are fears that the bond market could suffer. How should you adjust your portfolio?
Richard Heathcote/Getty Images

Can the U.S. 'foreclose' on Argentina?

Dec 3, 2012
What recourse do creditors have when a sovereign nation decides not to pay its debt? A case study on that question is playing out in U.S. courts.

VIDEO: The ECB's bond-buying program explained with bonbons

Sep 6, 2012
The European Central Bank is set to go on a bond-buying spree in an effort to save the euro and stem the debt crisis. But how does it work? It helps to think about candy.
2 euro coins made of chocolate -- split in half.
Joel Saget/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Draghi levels his big bazooka at eurozone debt

Sep 6, 2012
Making good on earlier promises, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi has unveiled a huge bond-buying program aimed at tackling the European debt crisis.

Eurozone members wary of buying other countries' bonds

Aug 28, 2012
Several countries in the eurozone are preparing to borrow by selling bonds. Each nation in the bloc is becoming more wary of buying the debt of its neighbors.

Uncertainty lingers in Spain after bond auction

Jun 7, 2012
Spain raised $2.6 billion in a bond sale this morning, but the higher interest rate of 6.1 percent shows that investors are still concerned that Spain has not wiped their hands clean of the financial mess just yet.