European debt crisis hasn't gone away

Apr 11, 2012
Recent turmoil in global markets is partly due to worries over Europe's debt crisis. Elections scheduled in France and Greece add to the uncertainty.

Spain continues to struggle against debt problems

Apr 5, 2012
Government borrowing costs reach a five month high in Spain, having many worried that the country will soon take the biggest problem in Europe crown from Greece.

Good news for the U.S., bad news for Europe

Apr 5, 2012
While the U.S. reported the lowest number of applicants for unemployment benefits last month, Spain is reviving worries about the situation in Europe.
A man looks at screens at Madrid's Stock Exchange. Spain had trouble selling some of its government debt today. That's revived worries about the situation in Europe.

Budget issues hurt Greece's 2012 Olympic plans

Apr 5, 2012
Today, the Greek Athletics Federation laid out what it sees as a "bleak future" for sports. The federation has suspended track and field events as part of budget cutbacks. That puts into question Greece's ability compete in the London Olympics this summer.

Is the European debt crisis resurfacing?

Apr 5, 2012
There are some economic headwinds blowing strong right now. And one of them is coming from Spain where a disappointing bond auction yesterday sent government borrowing costs to a 5 month high and renewed fears about the European Debt Crisis.

How much of a financial bazooka does Europe need?

Mar 30, 2012
European finance ministers are meeting in Denmark today. They're reportedly adding $670 billion to their bailout fund. Ministers have been trying to figure out how big of a financial bazooka they need to defend Europe from speculators.

U.S. warns Europe on 'draconian' austerity

Mar 20, 2012
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner testifies on Capitol Hill Tuesday about the European Debt crisis, urging European countries to avoid 'draconian' budget cuts that could make matters worse.

For public good, not for profit.

Taking a loss on Greek bonds

Mar 8, 2012
Private investors are being asked to accept big losses on their loans to Greece, in order for the country to get more bailout money and avoid a messy default that could send Europe back into crisis. About two-thirds of bondholders so far have agreed.

Investors face deadline to prevent Greek default

Mar 8, 2012
Private bond holders have until this afternoon to decide if they'll take major losses on their investments in order to keep Greece out of a messy default, and avoid another global crisis.

Setting the stakes for Greece's bailout

Mar 7, 2012
The deadline for Greece's bailout is tomorrow. But if bondholders still hold out, more delays are on the horizon and the possibility of a Greek default remains.