Mid-day Extra: Why we think "best of" lists are the best

Dec 22, 2011
The end of the year brings all kind's of top ten, top 100 and best of 2011 lists -- but what kind of value do we get out of them?

Audubon Society hopes to fly high with rebrand

Nov 24, 2011
So, how to appeal to a new generation of bird watcher? The Audubon Society goes for a rebrand.

Airbnb is sorry enough to give you a $50,000 guarantee

Aug 2, 2011
Airbnb, the travel start-up that matches travelers with people looking to rent their home or apartment, is fending off a recent rash of really bad...

A slice of pizza with a side of flattery

Oct 13, 2010
This final note today. We saw an article about this, a pizza chain in England this morning. Apparently, it's hired a trained classical actor to...

The NFL is trying to get 'em while they're young

Sep 23, 2010
Between the chips and beer, you might want to stick some juice boxes and Cheerios before settling in to watch the game....

Want users to tell all??? Have an ugly site.

Sep 3, 2010
The scuzzier-looking the site, the more users may reveal about themselves. That's the finding of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. They...

For public good, not for profit.

The Greenwash Brigade wraps: What's changed in three years?

Aug 23, 2010
Almost three years ago, Marketplace launched the Greenwash Brigade to explore the evolving green marketplace through the commentary of experts in...

The noisiest chip bag ever made - Sun Chips in your garden

Apr 15, 2010
The big story this year in sustainable packaging is about Frito Lay's ® Sun Chips 100% compostable bag (and I mean 100% - compared to what? 20% ...

The magic of marketing

Mar 3, 2009
I was prepping a presentation called "Green or Greenwashing" for the Duluth Energy Design Conference and found this cartoon that makes me smile. ...